In the rain torwards Trondheim..

It was raining already in the morning when we set off. In the pouring rain with strong gusts of wind, we struggled southward today. Several times we were hit hard, and the water was partially high on the road.

Our goal was to reach Trondheim via the E6 today so that we can start directly on the more beautiful routes in the west tomorrow. We drove over 500 kilometers. So, we traveled in the bad weather until we reached the Storsand campsite, which is about 20 kilometers before Trondheim.

Towards the end of the drive, the sky actually cleared up, and we had nice weather. There is a pizza baker at the campsite! Naturally, we had to take advantage of that. Pizza is quite rare for us, as we usually cook for ourselves.

After a hot shower and hanging up our wet clothes, we made ourselves comfortable in the cabin. Later, we will watch the European Championship game Germany vs. Denmark on the iPad.

We drove the following route today:

Total distance: 504.08 km
Max elevation: 369 m
Min elevation: -5 m
Total climbing: 5396 m
Total descent: -5396 m
Total time: 09:19:54
Download file: 2024-tag9.gpx

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