Today, we moved further southwest from Trondheim. We had planned to drive only about 300 kilometers, but we struggled to find a place to stay for a long time. As a result, it ended up being almost 500 kilometers.
Today, we passed by several shipyards and industrial areas. In contrast, we also drove through completely remote areas with lonely, narrow paths through the forests. There are beautiful roads here, with hardly anyone else traveling on them.
The Atlantic Road was also on our itinerary today. In the end, we found a large campsite in Orsta. Luckily, they still had one cabin available.
We grabbed veggie burgers with fries at the campsite and are now sitting in the cabin. Tomorrow, we continue towards Bergen.

We drove the following route today:
Max elevation: 426 m
Min elevation: -3 m
Total climbing: 5685 m
Total descent: -5691 m
Total time: 11:00:42