Today, we set off for the Arctic Circle. We didn’t have very good weather, but we managed to stay dry. The border to ‘northern Norway’ is now behind us. About 100 km before the Arctic Circle, we settled in at the self-service camping site Korgen. The landscape is becoming more and more ‘Norwegian,’ and we hope to soon have the opportunity for some beautiful pictures. By the way, the sun doesn’t set here anymore 🙂

on the Road

Cabin – Korgen Camping

Cabin – Korgen Camping

Cabin – Korgen Camping
We drove the following route today:
Total distance: 430.01 km
Max elevation: 366 m
Min elevation: -4 m
Total climbing: 3682 m
Total descent: -3714 m
Total time: 10:07:54
Download file: Norway2018tag4.GPX
Max elevation: 366 m
Min elevation: -4 m
Total climbing: 3682 m
Total descent: -3714 m
Total time: 10:07:54
The clarity of the water was tested here: