Off to Southern Norway! Today, on the beautiful Route 17, we traveled further south over scenic coastal roads, through many tunnels, and on several ferries. We started off in the rain, but luckily it cleared up. For reasons yet unknown, Dirk stumbled into a fjord (see video), but other than blue lips and an anchovy around his shoe, nothing happened. We have a beautiful cabin by the river at Nyheim Camping, and tomorrow we’re heading to Trondheim.

on the road

on the road

on the road

Nyheim Camping

Nyheim Camping

Nyheim Camping
Die folgende Strecke wurde heute gefahren:
Total distance: 312.83 km
Max elevation: 365 m
Min elevation: -13 m
Total climbing: 2871 m
Total descent: -2700 m
Total time: 08:20:28
Download file: Norway2018tag8.GPX
Max elevation: 365 m
Min elevation: -13 m
Total climbing: 2871 m
Total descent: -2700 m
Total time: 08:20:28