Continuing south in splendid weather, passing glaciers and waterfalls, we made it to Loftus Camping today. Along the way, we climbed up to 1000 meters, which cooled us down a bit. It’s actually a bit too warm here for motorcycle gear, and we again had 27 degrees on the thermometer at times. The Jostedalsbreen Glacier, which we visited today, is the largest glacier on the European mainland and up to 500 meters thick. We also used the drone here. Tomorrow, we hike up to Trolltunga. We’re excited!

Jostedalsbreen glacier

Jostedalsbreen glacier

Street at Voss

Sheep at Voss

Lotus Camping
We drove the following route today:
Total distance: 362.84 km
Max elevation: 989 m
Min elevation: -1 m
Total climbing: 4044 m
Total descent: -4042 m
Total time: 09:23:55
Download file: Norway2018tag11.GPX
Max elevation: 989 m
Min elevation: -1 m
Total climbing: 4044 m
Total descent: -4042 m
Total time: 09:23:55