Trollstigen and Geiranger in sensational weather! 27 degrees below the Trollstigen! Incredible. We were literally sweating on the bikes and Matthias had perfect convertible weather. After Geiranger, we drove up to the Dalsnibba viewpoint and looked at everything from above. Matthias must have doubled the number of cairns in Norway by now… at least it feels like it. Today we rented a cabin at Folvencamping (about 50 km south of the Geiranger Fjord).



behind Trollstigen

Gairanger Fjord

Gairanger Fjord


Folven Camping
We drove the following route today:
Total distance: 272.13 km
Max elevation: 1460 m
Min elevation: -92 m
Total climbing: 4520 m
Total descent: -4497 m
Total time: 13:30:48
Download file: Norway2018tag10.GPX
Max elevation: 1460 m
Min elevation: -92 m
Total climbing: 4520 m
Total descent: -4497 m
Total time: 13:30:48