The wind gets fresher and masses of snow can be found from 150 meters upwards. When you’re in the sun, it still feels quite warm, but as soon as you walk into the shade, the chattering starts. We are now really grateful for our Norwegian fishing underwear. Today we saw lots of reindeer and had to keep braking because they were crossing the road. A small forest was literally full of them and we were able to take photos of them. As there was sunshine all day, we drove over 460 km and it’s only a stone’s throw to Nordkapp tomorrow. We have now rented a room at Altafjord Camping. Many thanks for the comments here in the BLOG, on Facebook, via SMS or Whatsapp. It encourages me to continue the BLOG, even if I sometimes don’t feel like it after the long drive.


on the road

on the road

on the road

Altafjord Camping

The thick red track was driven today
Longer video from the road: